Friday, May 31, 2019
Robinson Jeffers :: essays research papers
Robinson Jeffers On January 10th, 1887, John Robinson Jeffers, most well known as simply Robinson Jeffers, was born outside of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. His parents were somewhat of an odd fit. His father, Dr. William Hamilton Jeffers, was an extremely intelligent yet reserved, reclusive person who married a happy upbeat woman who was 23 years younger than himself (Coffin). Despite their age and personality differences, Dr. Jeffers and Annie Robinson Tuttle had a secure marriage. Dr. Jefferss widespread education resulted in a vast experience of Latin, Greek, Hebrew, Arabic, and the Old Testament. Dr. Jeffers was eager to pass on his knowledge to Robinson. So, when Robinson was only five years old, Dr. Jeffers began to teach him Greek (Academy of American Poets). Also starting at a young age, Robinson traveled throughout Europe. From age eleven to fifteen, Robinson attended several different European boarding schools in Zurich, Leipzig, Geneva, Vevey, and Lausanne (Coffin). Though Dr. Jeffers was responsible for Robinsons patronise transfers, his reasoning is unknown. At each school, Jeffers was seen by his peers as reclusive and pensivemuch like his father. In 1903, when Jeffers was 16, he relocated yet another date with his family to Pasadena, California where he enrolled at Occidental College as a junior. Here, Jeffers succeeded immediately and immensely in courses such as biblical writings, Greek, and astronomy. Jeffers natural inhalation to learn and his knowledge of numerous languages impressed everyone around him. As a result, Jeffers made action-long friends and took up hikinga hobby that he would enjoy for the rest of his life (Brophy 2). Right after graduating from Occidental College with a BA in literature at age 18, Jeffers enrolled at the University of South California as a literature major (Brophy 2). During his first year at USC, Jeffers met his future wife, Una Call Kuster, who was married to a Los Angeles attorney. In 1906, Jeffers went with his family to live in Europe. At this time, he attended the University of Zurich where he took courses in philosophy, history, Old English, and Spanish poetry. When fall came, Jeffers returned to the University of Southern California as a medical student (Academy of American Poets). Jeffers remained a medical student for triplet years, a long time considering Jeffers was enrolled in 9 different schools or programs in 13 years. In 1910, Jeffers decided to leave USC and transferred to the University of Washington to study forestry.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Christopher Lathrop: Autobiography :: essays research papers
Christopher Lathrop AutobiographyMy name is Christopher Ray Lathrop. And this is my Auto biography. Iwas born at Saint Peters Hospital right here in Olympia WA. Where my other twobrothers Jarred 15, and Ryley 20 months, were born as well.     I traveled to Michigan with my family, when I was around seven or six.Where my auntie lives with her six kids and a small Korean family. I remember my become gave my brother and I ,what she refereed too as a Care Package, Right forward the trip. It was filled with weapons, nipple clamps, blow up dolls,bulling pins and other inatimate objects. What a trip four days on the roadwith my brother and parents. Stopping at places identical the worlds largest ball Ofstring. We ended up going to the air port where my mom sent me too India.Where I lived with a Monk monastery. While I was there, I was beaten repeatedlywith tree limbs. The only toys I had to play with were the contents of the carepackage. I also received for some monk holiday a pet snow monkey. But brotherHaanz stole him from me for his own entertainment.(If you know what I mean?)     Anyway a few years later when I became a shambala monk. (many degreesabove a standard monk.) I ran away to America and joined circus Vargus as thehead clown. When the Circus came too my hometown of Olympia My mother witnessedmy performance, and decided too let me move back home. Living at home was worsethan I had hoped. I decided to venture, as I called it on a long and hopefullysuccessful quest to find an answer to one of mans most pondered questions. "Ifa cow laughs, does milk come out of his thump?" So I took what was left of thecare package, most of it though, was broken during my stay in the Turkish prison.Thats a whole different story though. Well anyhow I took what was left ofthe care package, and left.      then(prenominal) at the age of fourteen I go to Cat-mon-du-Abudabi-allowishis-debris 90210. and out o f pure coincidence, became a porno star. Then I builtmy own nudist colony. Which unfortunately became impregnated by four Dutchscientists with a golden retriever. So I was forced by 16 Jewishscientists with a Great Dane to have an abortion. They claimed it to be immoralor something along those lines. My memory is a bit hazy, when It comes to thosetimes. After the abortion I moved to New York, and began raising venomous
Act 3, Scene 1 of Julius Caesar :: essays research papers
Act 3, Scene 1Rome. Before the Capitol the Senate sitting above. previous scene star sign page next scene A crowd of people among them ARTEMIDORUS and the Soothsayer. Flourish. Enter CAESAR, BRUTUS, CASSIUS, CASCA, DECIUS BRUTUS, METELLUS CIMBER, TREBONIUS, CINNA, ANTONY, LEPIDUS, POPILIUS, PUBLIUS, and othersCAESAR To the Soothsayer The ides of March are come.Soothsayer Ay, Caesar but not gone.ARTEMIDORUS Hail, Caesar read this schedule.DECIUS BRUTUS Trebonius doth desire you to oerread,At your best leisure, this his humble suit.ARTEMIDORUS O Caesar, read mine first for mines a suitThat touches Caesar nearer read it, great Caesar.CAESAR What touches us ourself shall be last served.ARTEMIDORUS balk not, Caesar read it instantly.CAESAR What, is the fellow mad?PUBLIUS Sirrah, give place.CASSIUS What, urge you your petitions in the street?Come to the Capitol.CAESAR goes up to the Senate-House, the rest followingPOPILIUS I wish your enterprise to-day whitethorn thrive.CASSIUS What e nterprise, Popilius?POPILIUS Fare you well.Advances to CAESARBRUTUS What said Popilius Lena?CASSIUS He wishd to-day our enterprise might thrive.I fear our purpose is discovered.BRUTUS Look, how he makes to Caesar mark him.CASSIUS Casca, be sudden, for we fear prevention.Brutus, what shall be done? If this be k instantaneouslyn,Cassius or Caesar never shall turn back,For I get out slay myself.BRUTUS Cassius, be constantPopilius Lena speaks not of our purposesFor, look, he smiles, and Caesar doth not change.CASSIUS Trebonius knows his time for, look you, Brutus.He draws moderate Antony out of the way.Exeunt ANTONY and TREBONIUSDECIUS BRUTUS Where is Metellus Cimber? Let him go,And presently prefer his suit to Caesar.BRUTUS He is addressd press near and second him.CINNA Casca, you are the first that rears your hand.CAESAR Are we all ready? What is now amissThat Caesar and his senate must redress?METELLUS CIMBER Most high, most mighty, and most puissant Caesar,Metellus Cimber throws b efore thy seatAn humble heart,--KneelingCAESAR I must prevent thee, Cimber.These couchings and these small courtesiesMight fire the blood of ordinary men,And turn pre-ordinance and first decreeInto the law of children. Be not fond,To think that Caesar bears such rebel bloodThat will be thawd from the true qualityWith that which melteth fools I mean, sweet words,Low-crooked courtsies and base spaniel-fawning.Thy brother by decree is banishedIf thou dost bend and pray and fawn for him,I resist thee like a cur out of my way.Know, Caesar doth not wrong, nor without causeWill he be satisfied.METELLUS CIMBER Is there no voice more worthy than my stimulateTo sound more sweetly in great Caesars ear
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Critical Analysis of Poes The Tell Tale Heart Essay -- Poe Tell Tale
Critical Analysis of Poes The ordinate Tale Heart The Tell Tale Heart is a story, on the most basic level, of conflict. There is a psychological conflict within the teller himself (assuming the narrator is male). Through manifest clues and statements, Poe alerts the reader to the mental state of the narrator, which is insanity. The insanity is described as an obsession (with the ancient mans eye), which in turn leads to loss of control and eventually results in violence. Ultimately, the narrator tells his story of killing his housemate. Although the narrator dupems to be blatantly insane, and thinks he has freedom from guilt, the feeling of guilt all over the murder is too overwhelming to bear. The narrator can non stand it and eventually confesses his supposed perfect crime. People tend to think that insane persons are beyond the normal realm of reason shared by those who are in their right mind. This is not so guilt is an emotion shared by all humans. The most demented indi viduals are not above the feeling of guilt and the havoc it causes to the psyche. Poes use of setting, character, and language reveal that even an insane person feels guilt. Therein lies the theme to The Tell Tale Heart The emotion of guilt easily, if not eventually, crashes through the seemingly unbreakable walls of insanity. On the surface, the physical setting of The Tell Tale Heart is typical of the period and exceedingly typical of Poe. The narrator and the old man live in an old, dark house (for the shutters were close fastened, through fear of robbers) (Poe 778). Most of the story takes place at night And this I did for septet long nights-every night just at midnight? (778). The physical aspect is not the most important component of setting for this analysis. More important are the mental and emotional settings. This clearly explains the personality of the narrator. One can assume the narrator is insane. He freely admits to his listener that he is ?-nervous-very, very dreadf ully nervous? (777). provided he then asks, ?but why will you say that I am mad? (777). He also admits that, The infirmity had sharpened my senses? (777). If not insanity, what disease does he speak of? The reason for his actions was one of the old mans eyes ?-a pale blue eye, with a film over it (777). This is easily recognizable to the reader as an eye with cataract on it. This is nothin... ...ust scream or die -and now-again -hark louder louder louder louder-? Villains I shrieked, dissemble no more I admit the deed - tear up the planks -here, here- it is the licking of his hideous heart(780). These final two lines in the story beautifully demonstrate how language was utilise to show insanity being overturned by guilt. Three elements of literary work that truly sum up the theme of The Tell Tale Heart are setting, character, and language. Through these elements we can easily see how guilt, an emotion, can be more powerful than insanity. Even the most demented criminal has feel ings of guilt, if not remorse, for what he has done. This is shown exquisitely in Poes writing. All three elements were used to their extreme to convey the theme. The balance of the elements is such that some flow into others. It is sometimes hard to distinguish one from another. Poes usage of these elements shows his mastery not only over the pen, but over the mind as well. Works CitedPoe, Edgar Allan. The Tell-Tale Heart. Literature An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama. Ed. X. J. Kennedy and Dana Gioia. 7th ed. New York Longman, 1999. 33-37.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
James Prescott Joule :: biographies biography bio
crowd Prescott Joule was innate(p) December 24, in 1818.James Joule was born into the wealthy brewing family of Benjamin and Alice Joule.In 1847 James Joule married Amelia Grimes, a daughter of the Liverpool Comptroller of Customs.James Joule and Amelia had three children Benjamin Arthur (born 1849), Alice Amelia (born 1852) and a son who died in 1854 along with his wife during child birth.In 1843 James Joule read his paper to the British Association, entitled On the Calorific effects of Magneto-Electricity and on the Mechanical Value of Heat. This paper described the physical constant that showed that heat was a form of energy. This constant is know as J, or Joules Equivalent. The unit of heat, work and internal energy are measured in joules (J).James Prescott Joule died October 11 in 1889. James Joule is buried in Westminster Abbey along with other famous people.Those Who InspiredJohn DaltonJames Joule was tutored as a young boy by John Dalton John Dalton was a well known Chemist and Physicist.John Dalton was born September 6 in 1766 and died July 27 in 1844.John Dalton is most recognized for his findings, which later is known as the atomic theory.The atomic theory is the theory of the nature of matter. It states that all matter is composed of atoms. sea captain KelvinJames Joule worked with professional Kelvin on experiments, which later became know as the Joule-Thomson EffectLord Kelvin was a well known Mathematical Physicist.The well known Lord Kelvin born as William Thomson, June 26 in 1824 and later died December 17 in 1907.William Thomson later became the 1st Baron Kelvin, he was known as Lord Kelvin.Lord Kelvin is most recognized for his work in thermodynamics and Kelvin temperature scale. Rudolf Julius Emanuel ClausiusJames Joule was inspired by the work of Rudolf Julius Emanuel Clausius Rudolf Julius Emanuel Clausius was a Physicist and a Mathematician.Rudolf Julius Emanuel Clausius was born January 2 in 1822, and died August 24 in 1888.Rudolf Julius Emanuel Clausius is most recognized for his work in thermodynamics.Rudolf Julius Emanuel Clausius introduced the concept of entropy.The Experiments (Known Today as Research) Paddle steering wheel ExperimentJames Joules Paddle Wheel Experiment determined the existence of a relation between heat and mechanical work. He established this by a method involving the churning water in a calorimeter by means of paddles driven by various falling weights. Through this experiment James Joule established what we call today the First Law of Thermodynamics.
James Prescott Joule :: biographies biography bio
mob Prescott joule was born December 24, in 1818. crowd Joule was born into the wealthy brewing family of Benjamin and Alice Joule.In 1847 James Joule married Amelia Grimes, a daughter of the Liverpool Comptroller of Customs.James Joule and Amelia had terce children Benjamin Arthur (born 1849), Alice Amelia (born 1852) and a son who died in 1854 along with his wife during child birth.In 1843 James Joule read his paper to the British Association, entitled On the Calorific Effects of Magneto-Electricity and on the Mechanical Value of Heat. This paper described the physical constant that showed that heat was a form of energy. This constant is known as J, or Joules Equivalent. The unit of heat, survey and internal energy are measured in joules (J).James Prescott Joule died October 11 in 1889. James Joule is buried in Westminster Abbey along with other famous people.Those Who Inspired jakes DaltonJames Joule was tutored as a young boy by John Dalton John Dalton was a rise known Chemis t and Physicist.John Dalton was born September 6 in 1766 and died July 27 in 1844.John Dalton is most acknowledge for his findings, which later is known as the atomic theory.The atomic theory is the theory of the nature of matter. It states that all matter is composed of atoms. Lord KelvinJames Joule worked with Lord Kelvin on experiments, which later became know as the Joule-Thomson EffectLord Kelvin was a well known Mathematical Physicist.The well known Lord Kelvin born as William Thomson, June 26 in 1824 and later died December 17 in 1907.William Thomson later became the 1st Baron Kelvin, he was known as Lord Kelvin.Lord Kelvin is most recognized for his work in thermodynamics and Kelvin temperature scale. Rudolf Julius Emanuel ClausiusJames Joule was inspired by the work of Rudolf Julius Emanuel Clausius Rudolf Julius Emanuel Clausius was a Physicist and a Mathematician.Rudolf Julius Emanuel Clausius was born January 2 in 1822, and died August 24 in 1888.Rudolf Julius Emanuel Clausius is most recognized for his work in thermodynamics.Rudolf Julius Emanuel Clausius introduced the concept of entropy.The Experiments (Known Today as Research) Paddle Wheel ExperimentJames Joules Paddle Wheel Experiment determined the existence of a relation between heat and mechanical work. He established this by a method involving the churning water in a calorimeter by means of paddles driven by various falling weights. by dint of this experiment James Joule established what we call today the First Law of Thermodynamics.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Legal Studies – the Family Law Amendment (Shared Responsibility) Act 2006
The Family Law Amendment (Sh ared Responsibility) Act 2006 commenced on the first of July 2006 assists in the dash that separating parents resolve their disputes involving the best interests of their peasantren. This law is still taking time to make an effect on divorcing and separating parents, as sources show that divided up custody arrangements or 5050 joint custody makes little effect on the children involved in these situations.This was achieved through a major study conducted by Bruce Smyth and Bryan Rodgers who showed that children in shared care are no worse off or no better than those who see the other parent every second weekend for good example Source E. The aim of the legislation was to transmit the past 1995 reforms as they failed to achieve the desired impact of separating couples source A. The act was created also to encourage parents to share the parenting of their children by allowing them to pee-pee exist time with both mother and father and also for the major decisions and responsibilities of the children to be distributed evenly.The law was changed because of the various groups who protested against the past regulations the law provided. The changes included the terminology, facilitation of shared parenting time and the creation that the separated parents both retain parental responsibility Source A. The new family law process outlined in the Every Picture Tells a Story shroud also creates an emphasis on parents coming to agreements in a parenting plan. in that respect was also a proposal to create a Family Tribunal, which was where the separating parents could bet their issues with consultation and counseling without the invasive use of the costs. The government also put forward $400 million to be spent on 65 family affinity centres for counseling couples Source B. Groups who have been against the Family Law Amendment are law academics, judges, womens juristic services, and single mother groups, source D because of the issue of abuse from their spouses after the separation.The act sets out that parents are to share the responsibility of the children between them, with the exclusion of ignominious spouses. This in that respectfore results in parents having to consult each other about their childrens education, religious and cultural upbringing, wellness, change of name, and also place of residence Source A. Also included in the act is that counseling would be offered to parents in assisting them to reach an agreement between both parties, and child support doesnt have to be given until six weeks after the parents have separated.The Act only previously allowing grandparents contact through applications hitherto rights have been elevated and the relationship between the children and grandparents are taken directly into consideration when making the arrangements in the parenting plan. The presumption of equate shared responsibility in the amendment core that both parents have an equal role in making decis ions about the major choices involving the children for example what school they will attend.The presumption however does not carry to a parent who has engaged in any abuse, violence or neglect towards the child, and was not included in the previous Act. With this the Act strives to provide the parents with equal shared responsibility which means the child spends a reasonably even amount of time with each parent (if it is in the best interest of the child). The primary(prenominal) issue of the legislation is the increase in funding necessary for the Act to go ahead, as the proposals put forward for the committee, family centres, and other programs require a vast deal of money to be established.Tax payers are forced to contribute more than so that these can be provided, however in saying this establishing the inquisitorial tribunal creates a more level playing field for separating partners, particularly if one party cannot afford private legal representation Source A. In excludin g legal representation, which is what happens in this process, creates a lesser need for lawyers to be involved in family matters, therefrom those representing families will no longer be needed.According to the National railroad tie of Community Legal Centres they suggest that the new family law and processes may be harmful to children Source B. Compulsory mediation may force separated parents to communicate and retainer with their former abusive partners, who may blackmail or force that parent to agree to an arrangement that benefits the abuser. This leads to a lifetime of fear and anticipation of more abusive from the former partner. According to the legislation, if a report or suspicion of abuse has arisen, the mediation will not go forward nor will it agree to precarious parenting arrangements.While somewhat children benefit from the equal shared parenting arrangements, it doesnt mean that some are better or worse off than others. Joint natural custody has been found to be workable only in a minority of separations where parents have freely chosen the arrangement. The cases in which the shared parenting has generally worked is when there is no record of abuse or conflict and when there is commitment from both parents. Source C. Throughout this whole process the mediation is voluntary, and can stop at any time as the couples wish.The parties have access to legal advice, either during the mediation or before signing any mediated agreement Source B. There are many monetary problems with this Act, as separated parents have to pay for the children independently and cannot find stability with their finances in order to pay for schooling, health and so forth. There is also the major issue that is domestic violence. The Act reinforced a fine for making false allegations about abuse and therefore some parents were pressured into making parental agreements that involved the abuser.This also made some victims too scared to tell courts about abuse or violence order at their children Source F. This law is affective, however could be revised in order to benefit the parents. The financial problems that are caused by this law are unavoidable for some families, as one parent or both may struggle to afford to make ends meet. The court could evaluate each parents financial status and the ability of them to be economically safe in order to enable them to be able to raise the children effectively.However in saying this, the court should not take children off one parent if they are not capable to pay for the child, especially if the other parent is reportedly an abuser. opprobrious parents should be constantly monitored whilst mediating with the other parent (if the victim wants mediation) and the child should have a say in which parent they think is able to look after them. Abusive spouses should not be allowed any contact with the victim while proceedings are happening, so that they do not coerce the other parent into an below the belt parenti ng agreement.The abused parent should also be supervised during this period so that it is seen that they are not influenced or blackmailed by the abuser. The Act should focus more on the childs need than the parents. While both parents have equal shared responsibility, the child should be involved in the parenting agreements and have a clean-living say in what happens to them. It is argued that the Act focuses more on the parents rights than the childrens needs, and that the reforms favor fathers more than mothers Source F.In conclusion, it is believed that the Act is not effective however has improved the rights of equal responsibility between parents. It is said that shared care is proving successful for many parents, Source E however parents are the only beneficiaries from this because the arrangement aids them more than the child, as the Act is more in the parents favor than the childrens. The Act should be revaluated so that it is beneficial to all parties.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
I am, Where Im From My Socioautobiography Cosme Ramos SOCS185 W5 Socioautobiography Abstract Who am I? Born in a dainty island, raised in over populated city, at present living on the opposite corner of the nation, traveled all over the globe, seen cultures and maneuvers most only aspiration off. How where my morals, views, and opinions shaped by my surroundings as child, and how book they changed as I matured? What influenced those changes? These ar just a few of questions I look to search as I write my Socioautobiography. I am, Where Im From My SocioautobiographyMy name is Cosme Ramos, Born in Ponce, Puerto Rico on the 31st January 1976. P arents are both Puerto Ricans (which in reality means mixed, Indian, Black African, and European). Not until third regularize did we migrate to the United States, in search of opportunities and a more stable future. Being of a Hispanic decent made family a very important role, thus it was my primary group the only thing that was constant throughout or moves starting signal from Puerto Rico to New York, and eventually to New Jersey where my immediate family still resides to this day.As a kid the change was drastic, life in Puerto Rico was more of the rural type, big yards, vegetation everywhere, smiling faces and friendly people. In the states, things were a bit diametrical, now we co-inhabited with family we barely knew, in a small condo like flat tire with no yard, and the only vegetation we would get to see is that on the highway mediums culture shock does not even begin explain the disorientation entangle as a kid under those circumstances. Not to mention the diction barrier that was by far the biggest hurdle.If it wasnt for the strong bond and close ruffle up Hispanic community the coiffurements would get to been ten times harder. Within months we were settled in Newark, N. J. parents had good luck institutionalise up stable jobs enrolled in school now my biggest focus was that of going from a straig ht As student, to not even speaking the language. I had 6 months to learn and master the English language to the level that at the end of the school year I would be proficient enough to not be set back.With the aid of my third grade teacher I was scored on the top 10% of the third graders in the district and graduated third grade as if I was no different than anyone else in my age group. These changes and conflicts that I had to endure were not as big of an impact on my younger brother who was barely starting preschool, and was able to adjust at a more lenient pace and to him English might as well be his first language and my sister the youngest was born years after in New Jersey. (TCO 4 and TCO 6).Lets fast forward to end of middle school, early high school years, being a young ager in the inner city of Newark N. J. (Brick city as referred to by many) day to day life was a struggle against the stigma that if you were African American or Hispanic, from Newark, and lived in lower i ncome part of town, then you are, were or will be a criminal. Remember back in Puerto Rico, we lived in an environment where one could go the house and car open, not worry about thieves, vandalism or anything of that sort.Now I couldnt walk to bus stop from my house without being hassled by drug dealers trying to add you to their payroll and have you work for them, or addicts trying to see if you were a dealer, not to mention having to dodge stolen cars being tag by the cops, and the ever seldom shoot outs. It is now apparent to me that gender role and ascribed status was what drove the stigma mentioned above. As the women or even the girls were not normally out and about around the neighborhood, they were homebodies per say.Everyone just assumed it was who we were, based on where we lived, and many of those who lived there just accepted such fate and found it easier to conform and fulfill their role in the society they were expected to. (TCO 5 and TCO 6). Now in high school, a v ery impressionable adolescent, (remember this was before the estimator age) the mass-media primarily consisted of television and movies, neither of which at the time where attempting to lesser the negative views of the society I was ascribed to.Soon I had a choice to make, do I alike conform to the same as my peers, or do I dare attempt to make break the mold as they say by trying to conduct vertical mobility in the stratification system that many felt entrapped within. Being that I had gone thru so much, from seeing the state of poorness that drag my parents to give it all up in Puerto Rico and pursue a better, un-guaranteed and un-certain future, or mayhap it the feeling that I could achieve anything I put my pass to (proven to me by my third grade teacher as she thought me not just the English language, but did it by making me learn how to think in English and ot Spanish) these factors and seeing how the economical state of the city I grew up in was deteriorating I decided to be deviant not accept my place in a decaying society and that I would join the military. My decision was sustained with the thought that, if anything, I would at least do it for the college money, and to explore the vast world that intrigued me so much. (TCO 5 and TCO 6).September 6 1994, not 3 months after graduating high school, I was en-route to boot camp, the Navy was the poison of choice many thought, some including my parents neer thought Id go thru with it, being a shy, quiet, smart, nerdy type I was told after the fact that they never thought Id defy. Growing up in very multi-racial city environment, I grew up with Id say about 90% African American kids, maybe 5% Hispanic and the rest white or other, racial discrimination to me was as foreign and alien as anything could be.Not long after being in boot camp, did I happen to run into it though. Even took me a while to recognize what was going on around me. Racial inequality has ever since been something that has spell-boun d me, the fact that some people can be so ignorant and or closed minded that this age and time still feel are better or more privileged than others solely based on race. 18 ? years later, here I am, still in the Navy, to the shock of many.I saying the challenges and glass ceilings imposed on me by my peers, supervisors, coworkers and even at some point my parents, to fuel my motivation. I see now using my sociological idea that they made a functionalist out of me. To this day, I deal with discrimination, not just race, or gender related, I deal with discrimination in many forms, and stigmatized in just as many also, from being a bike rider, to the rank I wear on my collar or the current job exposition or being from the east coast to mention a few.But now I view such acts as positive influences that fuel me to achieve that which Im told, or insinuated I cant. (TCO 1 and TCO 5). In conclusion, I am, Where Im From.. Id like to think even though I am no longer the shy, timid, quiet, in-experienced child that once struggled in understanding those around him, or that had to accompany his parents translating for them as they applied for subsidiary helper . I do remember the strong cohesiveness of my family, and the dedication to each other through times of struggle.Giving up was never something I witness my elders doing, and its something I am not well at doing either. Life has, more often than not thought me lessons the hard way, but some say those are the lessons you never forget. I have mostly learned leaving home at 17 years to travel abroad with the Navy, that even those who think they have it bad here in the states, still have it much better than many in other countries. Even if you are held down, or even put down by others, it is only ones self that can limit what we can achieve.Do others have it easier than some, yes, but that is life and its up to the individuals to either make shell or worst of the situation they are dealt. As an adult I still strive t o be better today than I was yesterday, and even if its a small minute difference, it just might be enough for some kid to see, and think I too can become anything I want, I dont have to live in a 20 mile radius of where I was born, I dont have to become a criminal just because Im thought of as one.If all I make is a small impression in someone to fuel their drive, then Id like to think it was all worth it. As my friends say, from the old broken down brick city, the strong exsert. References Schaefer, R. T. (2011). Sociology A Brief Introduction, 9th Edition. McGraw-Hill Learning Solutions, New York, NY Lewis, P. (2013). Introduction to Sociology and the Study of Culture. Retrieved from Lecture Notes Online Web site http//www. devryu. net
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Expiration Date on Marriages
According to a study from the Center of Womens Resources, for every two hours a woman is either slapped, beaten and subjected to other forms of abuse. In a day, twelve women submit to cruel acts caused mostly by their loved ones or people they know, making violence the number one crime against women. Statistics shows that at that place are too many victims of abuse yet no actions seduce been done. Margie Tajon, president of the 1-Babae Astig Aasenso (1-ABAA) party-list group, suggests that the proposal for 10-year expiration on Marri ripen would strengthen nuptials and non destroy it.Tajon stated in an interview that this would allow couples to reassess the status of their wedding. In one of her points she states that it would benefit incompatible pairs who would like to be separated legally but have to undergo a tiring and lengthy process to annul their marriage. She stated that Marriage annulment cases are clogging up our courts and we have to find a means to address the prob lem. According to reports there were 8,000 annulment cases reported in 2008 and there are still more world deliberated in courts. A marriage authorize is a requirement for either a Civil or Church wedding to be held in the Philippines.The application program Form for a marriage license must be secured at the Local Civil Registrar from the city, town or municipality where the bride or the groom resides. The ain appearance of the couple is required in applying for the marriage license. Both parties involved shall file separately a sworn application for each license with the befitting local civil registrar and proper supporting documents shall be submitted. According to Philippine law a ten-day waiting period is prescribed from the filing of the industriousness to the issuance of the marriage license.The license is valid for 120 days from date of issuance and may be used anywhere in the country. A marriage license is dear like any other form applied for in the country. Like a pa ssport or drivers license which expires, why cant a marriage expire too? According to Sen. Alan Peter Cayetano Its a reflection of what is happening in our ball club, referring to the exploitation clamor from women for more rights and social freedoms. Senate Minority Leader Aquilino Nene Pimentel, Jr finds the idea as funny. Its the funniest thing Ive heard in my life. Does it mean marriage is just a trial? Pimentel said of the proposal.Pimentel added that the issue of a marriage contract with an expiration date will go against the belief of the Filipino people that marriage is a sacred union done in the eyes of God. We are a predominantly Catholic country and the views of the people from the church are important. The electric chair of the CBCPs National Appellate Matrimonial Tribunal said that the proposal is some kind of desperate approach to right a wrong by something wrong. . He verbalizes that It is wrong for couples to separate and here comes a proposal for them to precis ely separate,.According to him there are dire consequences for this proposal. The most serious of which is the emotional accidental injury on the children whose parents are separated. It will also produce more children and result in a population explosion. He added that a man who gets married at age 20 and decides not to renew his marriage with his wife can go on and on until he marries his sixth wife at age 70. The question here is if we would allow such a thing to happen and I say yes. We may say that the family is the basic unit of the society and that it holds our society together but what about the individual?Families may seem happy on the outside but the inner workings are messed up. They may say that children will undergo emotional trauma if their parents separate. Children also undergo emotional trauma if they see or hear their parents fighting and if these situations worsen it will moderate to abuse not only to the mothers but to the children as well. Our society has a pr oblem indeed. We are stuck in the ways of the cavemen and our brain closes itself to the more liberated ideas which rightfully benefit us.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Crisis Management 1: The Day After Tomorrow
There is probably no better photographic film in the world to look at crisis management and Hollywoods lack of collar than The Day After Tomorrow. This painting sells with a major catastrophic face worldwide and shows viewers the alleged reaction of the American government. Although it provides interesting play for the movie, the path the American government reacts to the crisis is non only a poor example of crisis management, but also paints an unrealistic picture of the efficiency of the government and apprehension responders.From the beginning, the movie is a bit preachy ab stunned the environment and the American governments un go forthingness to listen to the doomsayers about the coming crisis. No superstar from the vice president down wants to hear what the government employed climatologist has to say about the weather. The world-class problem with this is that the climatologist is even trying to report to the vice president.It is likely that in an extreme crisis si tuation, the chain of command might be broken to ache more knowledge quickly to decision-makers, but the main character does so before the crisis even hits the United States. If he had followed the chain of command, it seems more likely that crisis response teams could excite begun developing scenarios for the crisis he was envisioning.Evaluating the crisis response in this movie in many ways comes down to evaluating the response to several major crises leading up to the huge global cooling exit. The first event that affects the United States is a huge weather system, so-called super storms which ground air traffic and begin causing make full in Lower Manhattan. At approximately the analogous time, we see a series of huge tornadoes devastate Los Angeles and then we see the President decl atomic number 18 a national state of emergency. However, not a exclusive one of these crises were handled in accordance with crisis management theory or crisis management reality as it exists today.First we will deal with the super storm and the consequent plane crashes. The first evidence that we as viewer collect of the increasing storm activity is on the flight of Jake Gyllenhaals character from Washington D.C. to radical York for a scholar bowl competition. Sam, Gyllenhaals character, is supposed to be terrified of flying anyway, so when the plane hits turbulence the effect is supposed to be suspenseful. besides from an emergency management crest of view, it is evidence that the Federal Aviation Administration would have grounded flights long before the lightning got so no- superb that it was knocking planes out of the air.The movie claims several major plane crashes occur before the FAA can evolve planes out of the sky. This is just hogwash. After September 11, 2001, the FAA has procedures in place to scramble to seduce planes on the ground. Tiny airports dotting the countryside are equipped for emergency landings and after the turbulence on one flight was bad enough to activate oxygen masks, the FAA would have immediately grounded flights flying through that storm.The second major problem that the movie has with crisis management comes in the form of the flooding in Lower Manhattan. When the problem is plainly a backed up sewer at a prep school, it is possible that the response would be to move the students to alternate locations in the metropolis until the morning. However, these were high school school children. There is no way that the school system would have allowed them to begin randomly moving around the urban center the nigh morning when the flooding had extended to the streets and made some roads and rail lines impassable.In addition, major flooding on an island like New York is a major crisis event. The movie portrayed the beginning of the horror in New York City as just another rain storm and showed no evidence of a crisis response from city officials. Even if the sudden cold snap had been unpredictable, the rain fore cast wasnt and city officials and emergency personnel would have been preparing in one way or another before the freeze hit.This utter lack of regard for reality and crisis management strikes home again later in the movie when Sam and others have interpreted refuge in the depository library. For unknown reasons, the lone police officer in the bunch decides that it is better to encourage people to walk out of the city rather than stay in the relatively warm and dry library where they have shelter and some food.While not all police officers are expert to handle a serious crisis, the idea that this one encouraged people to give up shelter and food to being an unknown journey is completely against any crisis management theory taught in the world. He had no reason to believe that people would not be safe in the library and should have, would have kept them there.The response in Los Angeles to the tornadoes was also just ridiculous. The movie shows the country watching in horror as LA i s destroyed, but no once do we hear the Federal Emergency Management Personnel begin mobilizing or calling their local counterparts or in any way reacting to the scene. Given the nature of the disaster, FEMA officials should have been on the phone before the winds stopped mobilizing search and bringing teams immediately to secure the city and recovery teams should have been arrayting their alerts as well. Instead, the movie makes it appear that California was elementaryally ignored as it was blown away.Finally, the real tragedy of the crisis approach in the movie is that the movie makers failed to suck in that this type of national event would almost immediately result in martial law. Doctors would not be allowed to wait around at hospitals to see if their patients were evacuated and snobby ambulance companies would not be the ones emptying the hospitals of the transportable patients as the country was evacuated. And, the president would not be allowed to refuse to move out of his office. He would be taken into some kind of mobile command center, against his will if necessary, for the preservation of the country.Like any good Die Hard movie, Die Hard with a requital involves bad guys and hostages. What makes this a classic crisis movie is the portion of the movie dealing with the hostages in a public elementary school in New York City. The rudimentary plot of the movie is that Bruce Willis and Samuel L. Jackson have to stop the bag guys and get the code to defuse the give out in the school so that the hostages can get away. The problem is that the bad guys have claimed that if they see anything indicating that the school is being evacuated they will use a remote detonator and set off the bomb as the children try to evacuate.This movie does some things right as far as crisis management theory goes. School personnel, including teachers, are enlisted to help emergency personnel mug up a plan to evacuate the building and the bomb squad is brought in to a ttempt to find and defuse the bomb. Then, it wanders away from reality and never finds its way back. researcher John McClain (Bruce Willis) runs into a father with two children at the school. Zeus Carter (Samuel L. Jackson) refuses to take no for an answer and insists on helping McClain find the bad guys. Wrong cardinal of the most important theories of crisis management is to minimize the risk. The police would never let an untrained civilian get involved in the operation. If Mr. Carter insisted, he would be arrested and held until the crisis was over.The next step would be to remove the children from the location. Even though the bombers had threatened to detonate the bomb as soon as they saw any attempt to rescue the children, the first priority would have been to evacuate the children. A large portion of crisis theory is risk management and despite the fact that we were dealing with children and the dominance exit of life, those in charge of crisis management would have decid ed that it was better to attempt to get the children out of the building rather than leave them as sitting ducks for the bad guys to blow up at will. The goal of the crisis management team would have been secure the building in any way possible and to prevent as much loss of life as possible.Though they would understand the potential for second guessing if something went wrong, they would have also seen the potential for the situation to simply get worse if the children were not immediately removed from the building. While the idea of having the children sprint away from the building as fast as possible seems sound, the reality is that it would not have been tried as the potential for injury there would be great as well. Real crisis management teams would have figured out when the bomb was and gotten the children to the exits farthest from it and then attempted to put in some sort of blast shielding to minimize the danger while removing the children from the situation.Even more unr eassuring is the fact that the movie depicts the evacuation process as chaotic enough to allow two children to slip away from their teachers and law enforcement personnel to hide out in the school. In a real emergency, teachers would have checked and double-checked to make sure that every student was accounted for and emergency personnel would have been patrolling the building tin the evacuees to make certain that no one stayed behind.Finally, there was only a limited effort to control the news media. In a major crisis event of this type, cellular communication with the building would have been terminated in an effort to prevent word of the hostage crisis from reaching the media and in the event that the media were made cognisant of the crisis, strict controls would have been used to keep them quiet about the crisis, including blackmail.It is not unusual for crisis personnel to make it clear to the media in the midst of a crisis that cooperation during the crisis will lead to bett er access to stories once the crisis is over. And, the news media makes decisions daily when it weighs the publics need to know against security. If the reporters were informed of the delicate nature of the situation and the potential for the loss of human life, most would have voluntaryly gone along with a blackout of the event until after the children were safe.The problem is that real crisis management does not necessarily make for good drama. Though the conflicts in decision-making procedures exist, they are not open discussions that anyone can participate in. In a real emergency, the crisis management is left field to the professionals. Its too bad movies cant seem to understand that.The beauty of the crisis situation in Dawn of the Dead is that the crisis appears quickly, but not nowadays and it develops mostly over night. This crisis is also insidious in that people become infected and may not demonstrate their symptoms for several hours or even a day later. Worse yet, for crisis management teams, it is the worst type of crisis imaginablethe nature of the threat is unknown but rapidly spreading and the disbelief that we have trained into ourselves and our children works to prevent rapid response to the crisis.The plague causing the zombies in Dawn of the Dead has the ability to take hold and gain strength because the first few times that medical personnel run into it, they disbelieve what they are seeing. Though it is important for emergency personnel to be skeptical, they c=should be willing to act based on observable facts even when the facts make no sense. That is the major failing of the emergency response in this movie. Otherwise, the writers largely got it right.When it became clear that a major epidemic was facing the city, officials would first have warned people to remain in their homes and then, barring that would have set up emergency shelters. One of the good things about the use of emergency shelters in the movie is that they used traditi onal shelters like churches and a military base, an option that definitely would be considered in the event of a widespread event.The fact that before the emergency broadcasts end, they have contacted officials with the Centers for Disease Control and that the CDC is in charge on the event makes a great deal of sense. The only thing lacking would have been a stronger military presence on the streets once the state of emergency had been declared, but at least the movie attempts to explain this too when it mentions later on that the Army base has been overrun.Even more impressive than the outside response to the crisis, is the crisis management implementation that develops within the separate of survivors. Though there is some initial posturing between the thief and the police officer, everyone quickly falls into roles appropriate to the situation and begins to work together to vanquish their immediate needs shelter that is safe from the threat.The opening scenes of the movie show p eople doing what is necessary to survive, even when it contradicts what it their normal behavior pattern, a classic utterance of crisis theory. People will do what they need to do in order to survive. This is true in the killing of the zombies and even the decisions to flee their homes.Once they arrive at the mall, after the mall is secured and they have successfully risen up against the mall security guards, the group begins to settle into the realities of crisis management they determine if they can meet their basic needs and then if there is an escape their condition. They put notes on the building roof to indicate the presence of survivors and they take up whatever pursuits help them get through the monotony of existence while the threat continues, including Steves incessant need for sex and the games of kill the zombie that they play from the mall rooftop.Finally, the group reaches the point where it must investigate the threat and determine how to handle it. The movie does a good job of showing the learning process and the impact of all the stresses on the psyche of the people involved. The group determines to leave the mall when it becomes clear that they cannot live their indefinitely and then they begin a very crisis management approach to leaving, place setting up supplies ad making their exit as defensible as possible. The only failure in their crisis management theory is the lack of available information with regard to other safe havens. It proves to be their undoing.However, unlike the other movies I have reviewed, this one seemed to understand that theory.1) Control or contain the threat2) look Shelter3)Seek other basic necessities.I think many other disaster movies would be more enjoyable if they could follow his pattern and stick to reality.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Final writing exercise Essay
There are three courses whereby from each one has a different quartz social organization at three different temperatures. At room temperature (298K), Phase III is present whereby Cs3H(SeO4)2 has a crystal expression of a monoclinic with a space group of C2/m. At 400K, Phase II is present whereby Cs3H(SeO4)2 has a crystal structure of a monoclinic-A2/a symmetry. At 470K, Phase I is present whereby Cs3H(SeO4)2 has a crystal structure of a trigonal with a space group of R3-m. In Phase III, as we can see in Figure 2(a), the positioning of the tetrahedrons is parallel to the a-axis, and in betwixt these SeO4 tetrahedrons are the total heat clings. Looking at a 2dimensional perspective, we can likewise see that there is a translation movement of the SeO4 tetrahedrons along the a-axis thence the symmetry operator would be a glide line parallel to a-axis. In a 3-dimensional perspective, we can see that Phase III has a 2-fold rotation axis and contains glide planes.In Phase II, fr om Figure 2(b), we can see that the positioning of the SeO4 tetrahedrons are along the approximate boot 310. Observing the schematic of the crystal structure in Phase II, we can see that there is a vertical mirror line in between the SeO4 tetrahedrons. There is also an a-glide reflectiveness vertically. In Phase I, from Figure 2(c), the positioning of SeO4 tetrahedron is similar to that of Phase II, besides the distinction is the crystal structure and the henry bonding. Comparing both Phase II and Phase III crystal structures of the compound, Phase II contains two-fold screw axis, inversion center and a two-fold rotation axis, which is the sole reason for Phase II to be twice of that of Phase III in terms of geometricalarrangement of hydrogen bonds.From the above analysis of the symmetry of the crystals structures in different anatomys, we can spread abroad that Phase III has the most symmetry operators and hence achieving the highest crystal symmetry generating a low geometr ical arrangement of hydrogen bonds. Due to the low geometrical arrangement of hydrogen bonds, the mobility of protons decreases giving the result of ferroelasticiy. The drastic variety show from superprotonic conductivity to ferroelasticty happens when there is a change from Phase II to Phase III. The major difference between theses 2 signifiers is the hydrogen bond arrangement.Paragraph 2Under the optical microscope, we can observe that the polymorphic body politics will alter at each phase transition to a different extent. We can see in phase III that the domains in the Cs3H(SeO4)2 crystal are made up of polydomains free by two kinds of domain boundaries. The two kinds of domain boundaries are categorized as the planes of 311 and 11n, where n is determined by the strain compatibility condition. The domains at the sides of each domain boundary are related to the reflective symmetry or the rotational symmetry on that boundary itself. Furthermore, we can observe that the angle be tween all domain and its neighboring domains is approximately 120, which is very close to the theoretical values calculated using the lattice parameters.As we move on from phase III to phase II, we can observe that the domain structure alters slightly by the phase transition of TIIIII. Similarly, the reflective symmetry and rotational symmetry also changes at the same phase transition. However, the kinds of domain and domain boundary remain the same as those in phase III despite a change in domain pattern. This could be due to the slight change in alignment of hydrogen bonding between the SeO4 tetrahedrons when the existing hydrogen bonds were broken to word form new weakerones. This might explains why their lattice parameters a and b do not really change appreciably. Compared to phase III frontly, the angle between whatever domain and its neighboring domains in phase II is also approximately 120 and is justified by the theoretical values determined from the same equation we us ed for phase III.Hence, this suggest a slight change in the Cs3H(SeO4)2 crystal structure at the phase transition of TIIIII. From phase II to phase I, the domain boundaries is observed to have disappear just before the curie temperature of the phase transition of TIII and the crystal structure changes fromoptically biaxal to optically uniaxial. This could be due to an external stress caused by the atomic rearrangement of the SeO4 tetrahedrons in the Cs3H(SeO4)2 crystal as a result of breaking the hydrogen bonds between them.Paragraph 3Higher temperatures for most material will enable atoms to move to low energy sites, fitting into a perfect crystal symmetry. Cs3H(SeO4)2 however behaves differently. As the temperature increases (above 396K), its crystal symmetry decreases when it changes phase from III to II. The orientation of the hydrogen bond for phase II and III differs. For phase II, the orientation is along 310 and 3-10 direction whereas for phase III, it is parallel to the aa xis. As the transition from phase III to II occurs, the precursor of the superprotonic conductivity is observed. In order for movement of proton to occur, the breaking and then recombination of hydrogen bonds are required.For phase III, in order for the movement of one proton, the breaking of 2 hydrogen bonds is needed. The reason as to why 2 hydrogen bond is needed to be broken and recombined again is because for the movement of one proton to occur, it must break the hydrogen bond it resides in and then change its orientation, recombining at other site the mirroring effect of opposite hydrogen bond is required to maintain the crystal symmetry i.e. to say that the another hydrogen bond parallel to the previous hydrogen bond site needs to be broken and recombined at other site parallel to the newlyrecombined hydrogen bond.In this way, in phase III, the recombination of two hydrogen bonds is simultaneously needed for one proton transport. Phase II however, behaves differently. The mo vement of the proton is independent of the other protons at other hydrogen site. The crystal structure allows for this flexibility of the proton motion, which the superprotonic conduction takes place. The mechanism in which proton transportation occurs in the polymorphs is by the diffusion of protons through a hydrogen bond network, by the cleaving and formation of the hydrogen bonds. However, in certain phases, the cleavage and formation of the hydrogen bond might differ. The fuel cell works on the basis of the movement of protons. The movement of electrons should be disallowed as it would short circuit the fuel cell. Hence, a membrane is used to allow only the movement of protons across and not electrons and gases. On top of that, in order for a superprotonic effect to occur, the flexibility for proton motion must be allowed. Hence, the lesser symmetrically patterned the phases the protons reside in, the higher this flexibility.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Kallipolis: the City of the Ideal
Around the time of 380 BCE, a philosopher by the name of Plato wrote adept of his near famous works The Republic. Within the text of this dialogue, Socrates and his fellow conversationalists discuss a morally and socially sensitive issue what, per se, is on the buttonice? Throughout the work, there were some(prenominal) definitions ranging from the power of the strong to rewarding good and punishing evil. To help claim clarity to their discussions, Socrates proposes that in order to discover justice as a concept, they must(prenominal) apply it holistically as opposed to an individualistic, circumstantial criteria.In order to accomplish this, the group imagines what the grand metropolis would be like. In this ideal invest, there would be common chord classes of heap (producers, auxiliaries, and guardians) which would told they have have a corresponding metal which makes up their soul. Bronze for the producers, silver for the auxiliaries, and gold for the guardians. Each cla ss would be determined by individual merit in accordance with what tasks they best perform. For example, if a man is best at digging ditches he will dig ditches for the rest of his life.Additionally, the members of single class can only produce children with members of the same class. The citizens of this city (a total of around 30,000 individuals) would all share wealth, food, and shelter communally. Several core virtues such as wisdom (through the guardians), courage (through the auxiliaries), and moderation (through all classes dwelling together peacefully) will be emphasized to help concern justice. Socrates emphasizes that the goal is to make a city as good as possible so that the populace is as content as possible.The end-goal is not just to make one person as happy as possible. As a pupil of Socrates, Platos construction of this ideal city, named Kallipolis, was much more than hypothesizing about mortar and stone. For Plato, Kallipolis was meant to reflect two drastically several(predicate) things on two totally different levels. On the baser level, Kallipolis inclusion of human virtues just as justice and moderation mirrors the individual. On the other side, Kallipolis also represents the total of the cosmos with its realm of infinite possibly and wondrous ideals.To Socrates and Plato, this city was a sociopolitical organization which allowed citizens to achieve their potential, serve the state, and depart according to the absolute truths which govern our existence. Unfortunately, the ideal Kallipolis is just that an ideal. It may be all well and good to construct an ideal city in the mind, but unfortunately this utopian system lacks a firm foundation in reality. Kallipolis is a utopia an imagined beau monde put forward by its author as better than any existing society, past or present.Specifically according to Plato, Kallipolis is not just a better city, but quite a is the best city. This makes creating Kallipolis impossible because there was no thing to from the real- man to model itself after. This is what makes construction of a place like Kallipolis to hard to even pragmatically imagine. It is not that obscure for one to even assume that in actuality, Plato never meant for Kallipolis to be a reality, but rather to have it serve as a goal for other poleis or nation-states to model themselves after.Plato planned for the society described in his Republic to not just be a utopia, but to rather be the best utopia, making this ideal even more difficult to properly realize. If one were to look into his work, one would certainly see that Plato never advocates revolution or legislation to bring his Republic into existence. On the contrary, Plato knew that Kallipolis was an impossibility and that the Republic would only live on in the minds of those who read his works.His message was that if all individuals (be they king, peasant, or representative) were just, the ideal city would exist. Thus, people must strive on their own to b etter themselves if they ever wish to bring about a better society overall. This is the beauty of Platos theorem it is impossible for this utopia to fail because this city is only actually meant to exist as the hypothetical dream of an maturation philosopher. Because of this, Kallipolis was able to evade some of the stubborn realities existent on Earth.The purpose for this city is not necessarily to exist, but rather to be the ideal which the coeval cities (such as Athens or Sparta) and the govern bodies (the people or the aristocracy, respectively) may be judged. Instead of looking at other countries, cities, and nations which dwelled in the real world to compare ones city to, Plato thought it would be best if a city was compared to the ideal, Kallipolis. Even in modern times, Kallipolis is a suitable standard concerning how a society made of of many different factions can live symmetrically.Personally, it is my viewpoint that this city is just for a community, but unjust for th e individual. For this, I would not want to live in a governing system such as this. It is reasonable to assume that Platos city might not be so ideal in the 21st century world of digitalized information and civil liberties. Through a primitive eugenics program, avid informational censorship, and telling a noble lie, Kallipolis people do not so much choose what they wish to accomplish as much as they are conditioned to perform what tasks must be done.The individual rights of the people are cast aside for the sake of the greater good in a very utilitarian system which contains a harsh pragmatism in its application. One needs to look no further than Nazi Germany, Socialist Russia, Fascist Italy, or Communist China to see the problems with this worldview and the mindset it supported. The end zippy for Platos Republic is not so much to have citizens who ponder lifes deeper meanings, but to rather have mindless drones performing the tasks they were instructed to do.Yet even with these n umerous infractions against the core of humanity, the ruling body of Kallipolis is incredibly legitimate. The guardians (who are more than qualified for their positions) rule both effectively and efficiently for the sake of the nation-state. Overall, they provide the proper protection for their people and preserve their well being. The guardians attempt to honor the welfare and well-being of all citizens by promoting justice, striving for class harmony, and defending their people within the walls of their ideal polis.However, the flaw lies not in the people themselves, but rather in the system they were placed into. After all, such a sense of loyalty to homeland is desirable, but the systems woo to individuality and free will is simply too much. All Men have certain rights ordained to them at birth by nature (or whichsoever idol a people worships) which include a right to life, a right to liberty, and a right to property. Socrates and Platos Kallipolis strips away its citizens rig hts to such things, such as when it dictates an individuals lot from the beginning.First, a persons life will be channelled into one of three categories. Second, (and based on the category) that person will instructed only on what they will be doing the rest of their lives. Finally, he or she will share all personal possessions with others, losing a sense of identity one moment at a time. Kallipolis, with all of its peaceful and harmonious benefits, eliminates certain rights which were made self-evident long before Socrates or Plato ever lived. The elimination of those rights is unacceptable and ought not be tolerated.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Frostbite Chapter 15
FifteenI WAS TRYING TO PAINT my toenails the next morning- non easy with such a god-awful hangover- when I heard a knock at the door. Lissa had been gone when I woke up, so I staggered across the room, trying not to razing my wet nail polish. Opening up the door, I saw one of the hotel staff standing outside with a large box in both(prenominal) arms. He shifted it slightly so that he could peer roughly and look at me.Im looking for Rose Hathaway.Thats me.I took the box from him. It was big but not all that heavy. With a quick thank-you, I shut the door, wondering if I should drop tipped him. Oh well.I sat on the floor with the box. It had no markings on it and was sealed with packing tape. I found a pen and stab hunch at the tape. at at one time Id hacked off enough, I opened the box and peered inside.It was filled with perfume. at that place had to be at least thirty little bottles of perfume packed into the box. Some Id heard of, some I hadnt. They ranged from crazy expensi ve, movie-star caliber to cheap kinds Id perkn in drugstores. Eternity. Angel. vanilla superfluousct Fields. Jade Blossom. Michael Kors. Poison. Hypnotic Poison. Pure Poison. Happy. Light Blue. J?van Musk. Pink Sugar. Vera Wang. One by one, I assembleed up the boxes, read the descriptions, and then pulled out the bottles for a sniff.I was about halfway through when reality hit. These had to be from Adrian.I didnt know how hed managed to guide all of these delivered to the hotel in such a short make out of time, but money can make almost whatsoeverthing happen. Still, I didnt need the attention of a rich, spoiled Moroi apparently he hadnt picked up on my signals. Regretfully, I started to place the perfumes back in the box- then stopped. Of course Id return thembut there was no harm in sniffing the rest before I did.Once more, I started pulling out bottle after bottle. Some I just sniffed the cap of others I sprayed in the air. Serendipity. Dolce & Gabbana. Shalimar. Daisy. Not e after situation hit me rose, vio permit, sandalwood, orange, vanilla, orchid By the time I was finished, my nose unless worked anymore. All of these had been designed for humans. They had a weaker sense of smell than vampires and even dhampirs, so these scents were extra strong. I had a new appreciation for what Adrian had meant about only a splash of perfume be necessary. If all these bottles were fashioning me dizzy, I could only think what a Moroi would smell. The sensory overload wasnt really helping the headache Id woken up with either.I packed up the perfume for real this time, stopping only when I came to a certain kind that I really uniformd. I hesitated, holding the little box in my hand. Then, I took the red bottle out and re-sniffed it. It was a crisp, sweet fragrance. There was some kind of fruit- but not a candied or sugary fruit. I racked my brain for a scent Id once smelled on a girl I knew in my dorm. Shed told me the name. It was like a cherrybut sharper. Cu rrant, thats what it was. And here it was in this perfume, mixed with some florals lily of the valley and others I couldnt identify. Whatever the blend, something about it appealed to me. Sweet- but not too sweet. I read the box, looking for the name. Amor Amor.Fitting, I muttered, seeing how many love chores I seemed to have lately. besides I kept the perfume anyway and repacked the rest.Hoisting the box up in my arms, I took it down to the battlefront desk and acquired some packing tape to reseal it. I also got directions to Adrians room. Apparently, the Ivashkovs practically had their own wing. It wasnt too far from Tashas room.Feeling like a delivery girl, I manner of walkinged down the hall and stopped in front of his door. Before I could manage to knock, it opened up, and Adrian stood before me. He looked as surprised as I felt.Little dhampir, he express cordially. Didnt extend to see you here.Im returning these. I hoisted the box toward him before he could protest. Clum sily, he caught it, staggering a bit in surprise. Once he had a profound grip, he took a few steps back and set it on the floor.Didnt you like any of them? he asked. You want me to get you some more?Dont send me any more gifts.It isnt a gift. Its a public service. What woman doesnt own perfume?Dont do it again, I utter firmly.Suddenly, a voice behind him asked, Rose? Is that you?I peered beyond him. Lissa.What are you doing here?Between my headache and what I had assumed was some interlude with Christian, Id blocked her out as best I could this morning. ordinarily I would have known the instant I approached that she was inside the room. I opened myself up again, letting her shock run into me. She hadnt expected me to show up here.What are you doing here? she asked.Ladies, ladies, he said teasingly. No need to fight over me.I glared. Were not. I just want to know whats going on here.A breath of aftershave hit me, and then I heard a voice behind me Me too.I jumped. Spinning around, I saw Dimitri standing in the hallway. I had no clue what he was doing in the Ivashkov wing.On his way to Tashas room, a voice inside me suggested.Dimitri no doubt always expected me to get into all sorts of trouble, but I think seeing Lissa there caught him off guard. He stepped past me and came into the room, looking between the three of us.Male and female students arent supposed to be in each others rooms.I knew pointing out that Adrian wasnt technically a student wasnt going to get us out of trouble here. We werent supposed to be in any guys room.How do you come up doing this? I asked Adrian, frustrated.Do what?Keep fashioning us look badHe chuckled. You guys are the ones who came here.You shouldnt have let them in, scolded Dimitri. Im sure you know the rules at St. Vladimirs.Adrian shrugged. Yeah, but I dont have to follow any schools stupid rules.Perhaps not, said Dimitri coldly. however I would have image youd still respect those rules.Adrian rolled his eyes. Im kind of surprised to find you lecturing about underage girls.I saw the irritation kindle in Dimitris eyes, and for a moment, I thought I might have seen the loss of control Id teased him about. But he stayed composed, and only his clenched fists showed how angry he was.Besides, keep Adrian, nothing sordid was going on. We were just hanging out.If you want to hang out with young girls, do it at one of the public areas.I didnt really like Dimitri calling us young girls, and I kind of felt like he was overreacting here. I also suspected part of his reaction had to do with the concomitant that I was here.Adrian laughed just then, a weird kind of laugh that made my discase crawl. Young girls? Young girls? Sure. Young and old at the same time. Theyve barely seen anything in life, yet theyve already seen too much. Ones marked with life, and ones marked with deathbut theyre the ones youre worried about? Worry about yourself, dhampir. Worry about you, and craft organisation about me. Were the ones who are young.The rest of us just sort of stared. I dont think anyone had expected Adrian to suddenly take an abrupt trip to Crazyville.Adrian was calm and looked dead normal again. He turned away and strolled toward the window, glancing casually back at the rest of us as he pulled out his cigarettes.You ladies should probably go. Hes right. I am a bad influence.I ex deepend looks with Lissa. Hurriedly, we both left and followed Dimitri down the hall toward the lobby.That wasstrange, I said a couple of minutes later. It was stating the obvious, but, well, someone had to.Very, said Dimitri. He didnt sound angry so much as puzzled.When we reached the lobby, I started to follow Lissa back toward our room, but Dimitri called to me.Rose, he said. Can I talk to you?I felt a sympathetic rush of feeling from Lissa. I turned toward Dimitri and stepped off to the side of the room, out of the way of those passing through. A party of Moroi in diamonds and fur swept past us, anxious looks on their faces. Bellhops followed with luggage. People were still leaving in search of safer places. The Strigoi paranoia was far from over.Dimitris voice snapped my attention back to him. Thats Adrian Ivashkov. He said the name the same way everyone else did.Yeah, I know.This is the second time Ive seen you with him.Yeah, I replied glibly. We hang out sometimes.Dimitri arched an eyebrow, then jerked his head back toward where wed go on from. You hang out in his room a lot?Several retorts popped into my head, and then a golden one took precedence. What happens between him and me is none of your business. I managed a tone very similar to the one hed used on me when making a similar comment about him and Tasha.Actually, as huge as youre at the Academy, what you do is my business.Not my personal life. You dont have any say in that.Youre not an mature yet.Im close enough. Besides, its not like Ill magically become an adult on my eighteenth birthday.Clearly, he said.I blushed. Thats not what I meant. I meant- I know what you meant. And the technicalities dont matter right now. Youre an Academy student. Im your instructor. Its my job to help you and to keep you safe. Being in the bedroom of someone like him well, thats not safe.I can handle Adrian Ivashkov, I muttered. Hes weird- really weird, apparently- but harmless.I secretly wondered if Dimitris problem might be that he was jealous. He hadnt pulled Lissa aside to yell at her. The thought made me slightly happy, but then I remembered my earlier distinctiveness about why Dimitri had even wandered by.Speaking of personal lives I suppose you were off visiting Tasha, huh?I knew it was petty, and I expected a none of your business response. Instead he replied, Actually, I was visiting your mother.You going to hook up with her too? I knew of course that he wasnt, but the quip seemed too good to pass up.He seemed to know that too and merely gave me a weary glance. No, we were looking over some new data about the Strigoi in the Drozdov attack.My anger and snarkiness dried up. The Drozdovs. The Badicas. Suddenly, everything that had happened this morning seemed incredibly trivial. How could I have stood there arguing with Dimitri about romances that might or might not be happening when he and the other shielders were trying to protect us?Whatd you find out? I asked quietly.Weve managed to track some of the Strigoi, he said. Or at least the humans with them. There were witnesses who lived nearby who spotted a few of the cars the group used. The plates were all from different states- the group appears to have split up, probably to make it harder for us. But one of the witnesses did look one plate number. Its registered to an address in Spokane.Spokane? I asked incredulously. Spokane, Washington? Who makes Spokane their hideout? Id been there once. It was about as boring as every other backwoods northwest city.Strigoi, apparently, he said, deadpan. The address was fake, but other evidence sho ws they really are there. Theres a kind of shopping plaza that has some underground tunnels. Thereve been Strigoi sightings around that area.Then I frowned. Are you going to go after them? Is somebody going to? I mean, this is what Tashas been saying all along. If we know where they are He shook his head. The guardians cant do anything without permission from higher up. Thats not going to happen anytime soon.I sighed. Because the Moroi talk too much.Theyre being cautious, he said. I felt myself getting worked up again. Come on. Even you cant want to be careful on this one. You actually know where Strigoi are hiding out. Strigoi who massacred children. Dont you want to go after them when they dont expect it? I sounded like stonemason now.Its not that easy, he said. We answer to the Guardian Council and the Moroi government. We cant just run off and act on impulse. And anyway, we dont know everything yet. You should never walk into any situation without knowing all the details.Zen l ife lessons again, I sighed. I ran a hand through my hair, tucking it behind my ears. Whyd you tell me this, anyway? This is guardian stuff. Not the kind of thing you let novices in on.He considered his words, and his expression softened. He always looked amazing, but I liked him best like this. Ive said a few thingsthe other day and todaythat I shouldnt have. Things that insulted your age. Youre seventeenbut youre capable of handling and processing the same things those much older than you do.My titty grew light and fluttery. genuinely?He nodded. Youre still really young in a lot of ways- and act young- but the only way to really change that is to treat you like an adult. I need to do that more. I know youll take this training and understand how important it is and keep it to yourself.I didnt love being told I acted young, but I liked the idea that he would talk to me like an equal.Dimka, came a voice. Tasha Ozera walked up to us. She smiled when she saw me. Hello, Rose.There w ent my mood. Hey, I said flatly.She place a hand on Dimitris forearm, sliding her fingers over the leather of his coat. I eyed those fingers angrily. How dare they touch him?Youve got that look, she told him.What look? he asked. The stern look hed purposeless with me vanished. There was a small, knowing smile on his lips. Almost a playful one.That look that says youre going to be on duty all day.Really? I have a look like that? There was a teasing, mocking tone to his voice.She nodded. When does your shift technically end?Dimitri actually looked- I swear- sheepish. An hour ago.You cant keep doing this, she groaned. You need a break.Well if you consider that Im always Lissas guardianFor now, she said knowingly. I felt sicker than I had last iniquity. Theres a big pool tournament going on upstairs.I cant, he said, but the smile was still on his face. Even though I havent played in a long time What the- ? Dimitri played pool?Suddenly, it didnt matter that wed just had a discussion about him treating me like an adult. Some small part of me did know what a compliment that was- but the rest of me cherished him to treat me like he did Tasha. Playful. Teasing. Casual. They were so familiar with each other, so completely at ease.Come on, then, she begged. just one round We could take them all.I cant, he repeated. He sounded regretful. Not with everything going on.She sobered a little. No. I suppose not. Glancing at me, she said teasingly, I hope you realize what a hard-core role model you have here. Hes never off duty.Well, I said, copying her lilting tone from earlier, for now, at least.Tasha looked puzzled. I dont think it occurred to her Id be making fun of her. Dimitris dark look told me he knew exactly what I was doing. I immediately know Id just killed whatever mount up Id made as an adult.Were finished here, Rose. Remember what I said.Yeah, I said, turning away. I suddenly wanted to go to my room and veg for a while. This day was making me tired already . Definitely.I hadnt gotten far when I ran into Mason. Good God. Men everywhere.Youre mad, he said as soon as he looked at my face. He had a knack for discovering my moods. What happened?Some authority problems. Its been a weird morning.I sighed, unable to get Dimitri off the brain. Looking at Mason, I remembered how Id been convinced I wanted to get serious with him last night. I was a head case. I couldnt make up my mind about anyone. Deciding the best way to demote one guy was to pay attention to another(prenominal), I grabbed Masons hand and steered him away.Come on. Wasnt the deal to go somewhereum, private today?I figured you werent wino anymore, he joked. But his eyes looked very, very serious. And interested. I assumed it was all off.Hey, I stand by my claims, no matter what. Opening my mind, I searched for Lissa. She was no longer in our room. Shed gone off to some other royal event, no doubt still practicing for Priscilla Vodas big dinner. Come on, I told Mason. Well go to my room. deflection from when Dimitri inconveniently happened to be passing by someones room, nobody was really enforcing the mixed-gender rule. It was practically like being back in my Academy dorms. As Mason and I went upstairs, I related to him what Dimitri had told me about the Strigoi in Spokane. Dimitri had told me to keep it to myself, but I was mad at him again, and I didnt see any harm in coition Mason. I knew hed be interested in this.I was right. Mason got really worked up.What? he exclaimed as we walked into my room. Theyre not doing anything?I shrugged and sat on my bed. Dimitri said- I know, I know I heard you. About being careful and all that. Mason paced around my room angrily. But if those Strigoi go after another Moroianother familydamn it Theyre going to wish they werent so careful then.Forget about it, I said. I felt kind of miffed that me on a bed wasnt enough to deter him from crazy battle plans. Theres nothing we can do.He stopped walking. We could go.Go where? I asked stupidly.To Spokane. There are buses you can catch in town.I wait. You want us to go to Spokane and take on Strigoi?Sure. Eddied do it too we could go to that mall. They wouldnt be organized or anything, so we could wait and pick them off one by one I could only stare. When did you get so dumb?Oh, I see. Thanks for the vote of confidence.Its not about confidence, I argued, standing up and approaching him. You kick major ass. Ive seen it. But this this isnt the way. We cant go get Eddie and take on Strigoi. We need more people. More planning. More information.I rested my hands on his chest. He placed his over them and smiled. The fire of battle was still in his eyes, but I could tell his mind was alter to more immediate concerns. Like me.I didnt mean to call you dumb, I told him. Im sorry.Youre just saying that now because you want to have your way with me.Of course I am, I laughed, happy to see him relax. The nature of this conversation reminded me a little of th e one Christian and Lissa had had in the chapel.Well, he said, I dont think Im going to be too hard to take advantage of.Good. Because there are lots of things I want to do.I slid my hands up and around his neck. His skin was warm beneath my fingers, and I remembered how much Id enjoyed kissing him last night.Suddenly, out of nowhere, he said, You really are his student.Whose?Belikovs. I was just thinking about when you mentioned needing more information and stuff. You act just like him. Youve gotten all serious since youve been hanging out with him.No, I havent.Mason had pulled me closer, but now I suddenly didnt feel so romantic. Id wanted to make out and forget Dimitri for a while, not have a conversation about him. Where had this come from? Mason was supposed to be distracting me.He didnt notice anything was wrong. Youve just changed, thats all. Its not bad just different.Something about that made me angry, but before I could snap back, his mouth met mine in a kiss. Reasonable discussions sort of vanished. A bit of that dark temper started to rise in me, but I simply channeled that intensity into physicality as Mason and I fell on top of each other. I yanked him down on the bed, managing to do so without stopping the kissing. I was nothing if not a multitasker. I dug my nails into his back while his hands slid up the back of my neck and released the ponytail Id just made minutes ago. Running his fingers through the unbound hair, he shifted his mouth down and kissed my neck.You are amazing, he told me. And I could tell that he meant it. His whole face glowed with affection for me.I arched upward, letting his lips press harder against my skin while his hands slipped under the bottom of my shirt. They trailed upward along my stomach, just barely tracing the edge of my bra.Considering wed just been having an argument a minute ago, I was surprised to see things escalating so quickly. Honestly, though I didnt mind. This was the way I lived my life. Everythin g was always fast and intense with me. The night Dimitri and I had fallen victim to higher-up Dashkovs lust charm, thered been some pretty furious passion going on too. Dimitri had controlled it, though, so sometimes wed taken things slowlyand that had been wonderful in its own way. But most of the time, we hadnt been able to hold ourselves back. I could feel it all over again. The ways his hands had run over my body. The deep, powerful kisses.It was then that I know something.I was kissing Mason, but in my head, I was with Dimitri. And it wasnt like I was simply remembering either. I was actually imagining I was with Dimitri- right now- reliving that night all over again. With my eyes closed, it was easy to pretend.But when I opened them and saw Masons eyes, I knew he was with me. He adored me and had wanted me for a long time. For me to do this to be with him and pretend I was with someone else It wasnt right.I wiggled out of his reach. No dont.Mason stopped immediately becaus e thats the kind of guy he was. too much? he asked. I nodded. Thats okay. We dont have to do that.He reached for me again, and I moved farther away. No, I just dont I dont know. Lets call it quits, okay?I He was speechless for a moment. What happened to the lots of things you wanted to do?Yeah it looked pretty bad, but what could I say? I cant get physical with you because when I do, I just think about the other guy I actually want. Youre just a stand-in.I swallowed, feeling stupid. Im sorry, Mase. I just cant.He sat up and ran a hand over his hair. Okay. All right.I could hear the hardness in his voice. Youre mad.He glanced over at me, a surging expression on his face. Im just confused. I cant read your signals. One moment youre hot, the next youre cold. You tell me you want me, you tell me you dont. If you picked one, thatd be fine, but you keep making me think one thing and then you end up going in a completely different direction. Not just now- all the time.It was true. I had gone back and forth with him. Sometimes I was flirty, other times I completely ignored him.Is there something you want me to do? he asked when I didnt say anything. Something thatll I dont know. Make you feel better about me?I dont know, I said weakly.He sighed. Then what do you want in popular?Dimitri, I thought. Instead, I repeated myself. I dont know.With a groan, he stood up and headed for the door. Rose, for someone who claims she wants to gather as much information as possible, you really have a lot to learn about yourself.The door slammed behind him. The noise made me flinch, and as I stared at where Mason had just stood, I realized he was right. I did have a lot to learn.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Bart and Lisa Essay
The word Sitcom derives from the words Situational Comedy. Sitcoms argon a series of programs shown on television that usually involve a family or a close group of characters. Sitcoms seem to have been around ever since television was introduced to the family home, and are continuing to motley on with television itself. Traditionally, sitcoms were full generally centred around men, usually having only one or twain distaff characters. Examples of this are, Yes Prime Minister, Blackadder, and the still popular Only Fools and Horses.They complied with the social and ethnic majorities of old day cabaret middle aged, middle discipline, and white characters dominating sitcoms of that day. Very young or old people were not represented, along with the disabled and ethnic minorities. This may have been so as not to offend the more minute views of society. Men and women had very stereo ordinary traits that were incorporated into the principal(prenominal) characters of a sitcom. Male characters were shown as independent, irrational and delusional, whereas the leaders wo piece was usually the opposite. She was domesticated, caring and motherly towards her blundering husband.As sitcoms develop further, camp characters were introduced along with the convention of use of goods and services reversal between men and women. An example of this is Some Mothers Do Ave Em, where role reversal is apply to make the sitcom funnier and more unique. In modern times, rough conventions of traditional sitcoms have been maintained, and as sitcoms developed some devices have been subverted. My Family is still centred around a typical middle class family, the leading man possessing the same characteristics as traditional male characters, and role reversal being utilize between convey characters.However, as times and views have changed, other sitcoms have become more controversial, now featuring homosexuality ( result and Grace, and Ellen), different religions (The Vicar of D ibley) and ethnic minorities, with women as main characters, as in Sex and the City. However, old sitcoms appear to still be held in such affection by the older generation, who watched the sitcoms with their families and keep ceremonial occasion as a tradition. My Family Analysis My Family is an in- fellowship production for BBC1, and was first shown in 2000.Robert Lindsay and Zoi Wanamaker (the producers) designed My Family to appeal to a grand audience and included many conventions of older sitcoms. Set in the south of England, It stars a middle class family who are shown going about daily life in the kitchen, on the sofa and around the stand in general. Ben is the head-of-the-house male, typical of many sitcoms as being arrogant, cynical and delusional, and he seems to resent his family. In my judging he sometimes behaves akin a teenager. Role reversal is apply with his wifes character, Susan.She adopts some traits of a housewife, as she is middle aged and house based, but her characteristics are mainly those of a man. With her husband Ben she is stubborn and with her manipulative nature, seems more in charge. This is effective as it plays on some situations of real life. Michael and break away, their two sons, are strong opposites. Michael is the voice of reason in the family, sometimes even taking over his parents role, whereas Nick is clumsy and is the source of slapstick humour. Abi, the familys cousin, acts as the centre point for easy jokes.She is slow and a bit kooky. In the title sequence, the family is introduced as shots of their faces appear, complemented by cheerful happy music. The mise-en-scene, their house, is set almost like a theatrical stage, so that the audience support fully see the very staged drama. The house is decorated in a middle class suburban way, with characters entering/exiting from the real world as if in a play. Lines are delivered as if performing in a theatre, and this is accompanied by a laughter track.Well-known actors are used to increase audience, and midshots and medium close-ups are used in the sitcom. The general opinion (or voice) of the production team is conveyed to the audience that it is a hard life for men, and women add to it. My Family is shown pre-watershed time, so it can be viewed by the whole family at home. Slapstick comedy combined with grim humour is used to related to children and adults alike. It is technically well made, but some critics say it is too bland and conventional to be a main sitcom of the BBC. The Simpsons AnalysisThe Simpsons is a cartoon sitcom starring a typical suburban working class family. Homer, Marge, baronet, Lisa and baby Maggie are animated in their house and around their pretended town of Springfield. The sitcom opens with the family members going about daily chores, introducing the characters to an up-beat, bouncy theme tune. They are seen on the sofa, (the main setting) watching TV. To add originality, a different humorous sofa scene is sho wn every time. The Simpsons is realistic in the sense that the family is dysfunctional, yet tried to be perfect.Homer, the leading head-of-the-house male, is blundering and delusional. Bart, the rebellious teen is constantly arguing with infant Lisa, who acts as the moral centre of the family. There is also Maggie, the humorous baby, and Marge, who tries to hold the family together. However, in many slipway, this sitcom is also very unrealistic, for example the inclusion of aliens, the exaggerated biased politics and the fact that the sitcom itself is a cartoon. Viewers are entertained by slapstick comedy from Homer and Bart.Their typical traits are used to create humour, e. g. Homers generic delusional views and lovable stupidity, and Barts immoral ways and evil sense of humour. Another convention that the creator, Matt Groening, uses is the idea of including two contrasting personalities. This is done with Bart and Lisa. Bart is an under-achieving troublemaker, whereas Lisa is m oralistic and the school swat. The Simpsons started out as a series of 48 bunco in a different program before its popularity increased.It is now a sitcom of its own. It is made by a team of US animators and supported by a wide, loyal audience for its slapstick and sarcastic humour. Matt Groening vents his thoughts on politics, race and family life in the Simpsons, for example all the characters have yellow kowtow not black or white to show racial equality. Sitcom Comparison The Simpsons, My Family and The Royle Family WHO/SETTING apiece of these three sitcoms features five main characters, all members of conventional families.Each family consists of a married couple and 2/3 children (the national average). The 3 sitcoms being compared all share these basic similarities, but their backgrounds and lifestyles are different. My Family and The Royle family are both set in England, but the different areas of the country depict their social status. The Royle Family live in the North of England, which is conveyed to the audience by their strong accents. The north is recognised as an underprivileged area, ands this shows the Royles as a working class family.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Continous Comprehensive Evaluation Essay
It has been a couple of years now that the dogging and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) scheme has been in existence but the nitty-gritty of it continues to raise questions among CBSE schools across the country. On Saturday after(prenominal)noon around 250 principals and teachers from 140 schools across the state gathered in Nagpur to attend a all day long seminar on CCE. Organized by the Nagpur Sahodaya Schools Complex, the seminar was conducted by senior educationist Priyadarshini Kelkar from Vadodara who tried to address concerns about CCE.CCE is akin to treating a checkup patient, verbalize Kelkar who is also the principal of New Era School in Vadodara. If my medical reports confirm I have high blood pressure and my doctor reads it but simply sends me theatre then it is not right. The correct method is to prescribe me some medicine and review my health after a week or fortnight. And this is exactly what CCE intends to do, she said. Kelkar explained that CCEs focus is on asses sing a student, providing remedial feedback and undermenti integrityd up at regular intervals.With CCE the aim is to evaluate all beas of development and review the progress at regular intervals, she said. Building up to her detailed talk on assessments in CCE, Kelkar talked about the need for CCE. rearing in the 21st century requires a different approach. Teachers need to be dynamic learners themselves if they have to be the catalyst for revision. We as teachers have to accept that students have different learning styles and different intelligence types, said Kelkar. She hinted that part of the resistance to CCE from teachers is due the resistance to change factor. Nobody likes change and hence we question it. I cook a certain dish perfectly and when my husband wants me to experiment with the ingredients I refuse. My logic is that what I am cooking is perfect so what is the need to change.In a sense I am a conformist too just like numerous others, but we have to understand that change is necessary. If we dont change then we will become obsolete and this will be a disaster for our country in the 21st century, said Kelkar. Assessment plays a major role in CCE as it helps understand how the student is faring. CBSE encourages the use of multidisciplinary projects so that students are able to express themselves better. We have to fake students learn to think creatively and be inventive, hence questions must be open-ended, she said.But many things are easier said than done, and the bane of CCE has been the increased paperwork it has brought upon teachers. Kelkar agreed by saying teachers are submerged in paperwork. She said, It is plebeian to see project works piling up in the staffroom and it is quite a task for teachers as they teach more than one section. Evaluating each one and entering data in more than one place increases the workload. One solution is for managements to provide their teachers with laptops or palmtops so that they can enter the data imme diately.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Improving Our Public Schools Essay
Being educated is a right, not a privilege. Whether it be in a reality or private learning institution, to be educated is still what matters most. In choosing the right take aim for students is one of the critical decisions to arrive at a settlement. Children growing while learning are the beside runners of the economy, the government, the entertainment. With their innate, infinite potentials, the pure tone towards learning experience is something that provokenot be deprived of. Shaping them is shaping the future. But, before anything else, how can these students achieve the satisfaction of real-learning?In reality, global economy is not stable. Thus, not everyone is capable of affording their children on displace to good schools or the students themselves who work to sustain their studies can steadily stand with it. Reason why globe schools are established. Student education is vital. It edifies information obtainment, organization and presentation to its receivers. If public schools are not well-maintained, its flavor is degraded. A degraded quality means failure to imply proper education among its learners.Improving public schools enables its constituents to advance in education symmetry to those of in private schools. From the Comprehensive School Improvement course of aim (CSIP) which is a decade-long initiative to improve public schools under the Ford Foundation, it created independent observers who evaluate education initiatives. With this, suggestions from different individuals arose which are focused on improving public schools. The project started to gain donors who support the improvements. Not both public schools are lucky enough to have CSIP behind.That is why solutions are mandatory upon planning to give way a public school. Hiring qualified teachers, improving buildings to a modernized ambiance, ample funding, comprehensive program of study and efficient leadership are components of a successful improved school (Petrovich 8). Teachers are the primary persons answerable for the students. Although in some cases, teachers are hired even without passing the qualifications or, they may have passed but the quality they pass onto students does not suffice the standards of a proper education.Facility renovations are costly, which become hindrance in providing both teachers and students comfort. This is linked to the funding for a school. More so, the designed curriculum must be updated and great teaching methods are used. Sadly, what breaks the objective of improving public schools is the negligence to essentially impose it. Normally, these public schools add the poor ones. And sustaining such, even from the government, is not always much reliable specifically among the third world countries.Advocacies impart be of help in promoting aiding the schools. With the conviction of participation in assisting programs for public learning facilities improvement, it would at least(prenominal) lessen the burden of pushing the school on providing quality education despite its lax. Being a part of a project to progress public school is not easy. It will always, in a way or another, encounter financial problems and should the allocated budget dries up, the project halts. Still, there are strategies to support in order to fulfill goals.Building constituency and coalition to minimize future financial and human dilemmas are important. Also, establishing communications and expanding networks increase participants. Public schools are still schools. It is a building that teaches how to form a better society. disregarding of the class it serves, it deserves the right to be respected and recognized. ? Works Cited Petrovich, J. Strategies for Improving Public Education. New York Ford Foundation, 2008.
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